Hooghiemstraplein 15
3514 AX Utrecht
The Netherlands
KvK 50845039
+ 31 (0) 6 81 78 84 72
Commercial Inquiries
We’re always looking for new and interesting 3D animation projects. If you’re interested in our work and services or have any questions about ideas you’d like to see animated, please contact us at polderanimation@gmail.com
We currently do not have any openings, however we are always interested in people to work with. Send us your details and portfolio to polderanimation@gmail.com
We have a select number of positions available for internships. We do ask for a certain amount of experience with 3D and preferably some degree of specialisation. During an internship we try to give a taste of short film production, commercial production and reserve some time for experimenting and research, depending on our workload.
At Polder Animation we work with a range of software. When applying for an internship these are the software you will work with for each specific area:
Please send your application including reel and motivation to polderanimation@gmail.com
If you wish to license or screen our work please contact us at polderanimation@gmail.com